Blog Post

How Mort & Co is using new software to measure livestock emissions

AUSTRALIA’S second largest lotfeeder has started using a first of its kind grazing management system it developed, to help producers navigate the complicated world of emissions reduction and reporting. Known for its innovation, Mort & Co has made a series of moves to help the industry reduce emissions and make production systems more efficient – running large-scale […]

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Government must step up on farm invasions | Farm Weekly

What’s frustrating is the Federal government beefed up trespass laws in 2019, yet we still have ringleaders dodging jail time and continuing their relentless pursuit to shut down farm operations, not caring what damage they do to the people who work in them. Click to check the original article.

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Increased rates for landholders are on the table | The Land

It’s easy to blame councils for this money grab at a time when soaring interest rates, sky-high prices for fuel and fertiliser, falling prices for agricultural produce and worker shortages have made farming a tougher game than it’s been for many years. The fact that we’ve got an El Nino forecast will add to the […]

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Twenty Australian agricultural jobs ranked by pay | The Land

What you could earn in these 20 popular Aussie ag jobs Australian agriculture wants and needs workers. But to get workers it needs to offer, among many things, competitive wages. According to the most recent Australian Bureau of Statistics figures (August 2022), the median salary for workers in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sector was […]

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Twenty Australian agricultural jobs ranked by pay | Farm Weekly

What you could earn in these 20 popular Aussie ag jobs Australian agriculture wants and needs workers. But to get workers it needs to offer, among many things, competitive wages. According to the most recent Australian Bureau of Statistics figures (August 2022), the median salary for workers in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sector was […]

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