Blog Post

Curious Questions: When does summer actually start?

You’d think it would be simple. It’s anything but, as Martin Fone discovers. Do you remember those far-off days when you could travel anywhere almost at the drop of a solar topee? Back in that era I went to India, one of the most discombobulating countries I have ever visited. And among the sights that […]

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Hazel dormice being introduced into a slice of Britain’s ancient woodland: ‘We hope this is the first of many’

Efforts to save Britain’s hazel dormice are working — and now they’re being reintroduced to the wild in Derbyshire. Hazel dormice have been reintroduced into Derbyshire’s National Forest in a joint project by the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), the National Trust and others. It’s hoped that the reintroduction of the 38 rare dormice will […]

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A petition calling on the government to delay the implementation of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (ACH) Act has drawn a record number of signatures in a period of less than two weeks. | Farm Weekly

Flanked by The Nationals WA leader Shane Love, Liberal Party of WA leader Libby Mettam and Pastoralists and Graziers Association of WA president Tony Seabrook, who all support the petition, Mr Thomson said there was a lack of preparedness by the State government and in the community for the legislation due to take effect on […]

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Will recent rain in the US open more beef markets for Australia?

A DROUGHT-induced turn-off of cattle in the United States has been credited as one of the biggest drivers of global meat market in the past two years. But attendees of yesterday’s RNA Paddock to Palate performance weightgain results in Toowoomba heard that the drought cycle is starting to change, with significant rain in some of […]

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