Market check plus a health check | The First Draft
None of us like a trip to the doctor, but I’m told farmers can be even more stubborn about making an appointment. Click to check the original article.
None of us like a trip to the doctor, but I’m told farmers can be even more stubborn about making an appointment. Click to check the original article.
Ireland has joined the list of countries to introduce controversial agricultural emissions legislation. Photo: Irish Farmers’ Federation A FARMER-led political movement appears to be in full swing in Europe as a group of Irish farmers form a party to contest the country’s next local elections in 2024. According to local news service IrishCentral, the main […]
It was a good quality yarding which included several pen of well-bred weaner steers and heifers. Click to check the original article.
Livestock agents from Elders Rockhampton, GDL Rockhampton, Ray White Rural Gracemere, and Brain Dawson Auctions yarded 110 head for the auction, including 30 grain fed steers, 40 pasture fed steers, 20 grass heifers, and 20 cows from across central Queensland. Click to check the original article.
“We are running so lean, but now that we have this decision, the community will then see what we said through the consultation, very clearly, that if we do not get a sufficient rate rise there will be more cuts to services,” Ms Petrie told ABC radio. Click to check the original article.
Speaking to a range of industry stakeholders the majority are in favour of Episode 3 conducting the economic analysis of the trade and supply chain to assist the panel in its preparation of the report for government. Click to check the original article.
Panama TR4 has been found on another banana plantation. Click to check the original article.
The NSW Nationals annual general conference is being held in Tamworth on June 16 and 17 Click to check the original article.
The devil is in the detail, according to Tambellup farmer Richard Burridge Click to check the original article.
Basalt is an irrigated farming opportunity at Charters Towers with 2500 megalitres of ‘free’ water. Click to check the original article.
Millaa Millaa’s Long Lanes Holsteins and Jerseys will be milked for the last time next month. Click to check the original article.
Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland general manager Justin Choveaux has panned the state government announcement that there is a record $1.04 billion budget for the state’s fire and emergency services department, including a “significant investment” of $16.1 million towards new and replacement trucks, in addition to $2.6 million on new operational equipment, and $1 million […]