Blog Post

How to keep your dog calm in the car, by top trainer Ben Randall

Plenty of dogs get excited when going on a car journey, but for some that over-exuberance tips over into behaviour which could cause serious problems — including distracting the driver. Ben Randall shares his tips on how to keep your canine companions calm — and safe — on a journey. We’ve all seen it and experienced […]

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Giving young people land and a hand | Farm Weekly

In Western Australia, a South West couple has adopted the concept of stacked enterprises, for the regenerative benefits to their 80-hectare property Galloway Springs and as a way to help young people get a start in the agricultural industry, when they do not have significant financial backing. Click to check the original article.

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Travel highlights many agritourism benefits

Ask most people what they think of when they hear the word ‘farm’, and reasonably the word ‘experience’ would not be top of the list. And yet, increasingly that is what is being sought as the essential ‘value’ from a fast-growing segment of the farm sector. Click to check the original article.

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