Rainfall totals across the regions
This weather system brought the highest rainfall totals to the eastern parts of the Great Southern region. Click to check the original article.
This weather system brought the highest rainfall totals to the eastern parts of the Great Southern region. Click to check the original article.
Australian farmland sales continued their strong run in autumn 2023 despite dropping commodity prices and rising interest rates. Here is a list of sales nationally through autumn. Click to check the original article.
According to a new report from Rabobank, global beef supplies will remain balanced over the next 12 months. Meanwhile, North American cattle prices climb to historic highs. Looking forward, the Argentine elections, scheduled for October, will be a key factor to watch. Increased production in Brazil and Australia will offset declines in the US. With […]
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and […]
Export buyer attendance was not as good as the previous week with one major processor absent from the buying panel. Click to check the original article.
Australian mining giant BHP has admitted to underpaying its workers up to $430 million since 2010. Click to check the original article.
The finalists for the 2023 Cotton industry awards have been announced, including some of the best growers in the nation Click to check the original article.
Extremist vegans have taken another big swipe at the Australian beef industry, again claiming eating meat kills koalas. Click to check the original article.
BUSINESSES in regional and rural Australia have prospered in the past year and are well placed to consolidate their gains in the year ahead, NAB’s second annual Horizons Report shows. NAB Executive for Regional and Agribusiness, Khan Horne, said the report reflects a recovery from a bust-boom cycle of drought years followed by the COVID-19 […]
Yarding 4699 Change +516 The supply of stock at Dalby experienced a lift of 516 head to 4,699. Export buyer attendance was not as good as the previous week with one major processor absent from the buying panel. Terry Ryan and the Nutrien team selling at Dalby yesterday. All classes meeting exact market specifications […]
Expanded duty-free market access for a range of Australian goods into the UK comes into force today as the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA) takes effect. Federal agriculture minister Murray Watt describes the deal as a “gold-standard agreement” that will drive increased trade and economic growth, with tariffs removed on over 99 percent of […]
THINGS have noticeably tightened for cattle producers in recent months, southern Queensland cattle producer Brian Southern commented to Beef Central while leaning against a catwalk railing watching the Dalby cattle sale yesterday. St George cattle producer Brian Southern at the Dalby cattle sale yesterday. Mr Southern had dropped off some old cows from his St […]