Blog Post

Pork industry leader Margo Andrae calls out animal activist harassment

Australian Pork Limited CEO Margo Andrae in senate estimates. FORMER Cattle Council chief executive Margo Andrae has called out animal activists for intimidating staff by calling them murderers and deceiving their way into their office by posing as tradies. Ms Andrae, who is now the CEO for Australian Pork Limited, delivered the impassioned message to […]

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Community consultation opens for ideas to deliver Murray-Darling Basin Plan commitments | The Land

The DCCEEW will publish a review of public submissions in August this year with the Government saying the submissions will be measured on their ability to contribute towards the water recovery targets or achieve basin plan flow targets more efficiently, secure value for money, provide enduring environmental outcomes, minimise socio-economic impacts, provide other co-benefits (economic, […]

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