Blog Post

Space Rocket Innovations | The North West Star

Space One’s Kairos rocket is relatively small, only 18 metres tall. The aim is to send small satellites up to 250 kilograms into orbit around the earth. To put this into scale, the Saturn V, which carried astronauts to the moon, was 110 metres tall and could carry over 140,000 kilograms into space. Click to […]

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Stancombe Park: The garden full of hidden tunnels that inspired Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead

Marion Mako uncovers the true story of the labyrinthine tunnels that underpin the Gardens at Stancombe Park, near Dursley, Gloucestershire, home of the Llewellyn family. This magnificent Regency garden, the inspiration for Evelyn Waugh’s description of the garden at Brideshead. Photographs by Britt Willoughby Dyer. Gardens and especially their hidden buildings have always provided ample possibilities […]

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This Week in Agribusiness, March 16, 2024

Part 1 Max Armstrong kicks off the show with Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall. In the markets segment, Ben Laine, Senior Dairy Analyst with Terrain Ag joins Max to talk dairy markets. Part 2 Ben Laine, Senior Dairy Analyst with Terrain Ag, rejoins Max to talk cheese and livestock markets. Following that, Greg Soulje is […]

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Texel Breed Shines at Wagin Woolorama | Farm Weekly

Left: Judge Braden Lange (left), Narrogin is with JimJan stud principal Jim Glover who holds the ewe awarded grand champion Texel and champion ewe. Right: Judge Braden Lange (left), Narrogin with Zane Cuthbert, Darkan, who holds the JimJan champion Texel ram. Click to check the original article.

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