Blog Post

Why multiplant coordination matters | Beef Magazine

Producers and packers have been at odds over “fair” cattle price discovery ever since the first steer traded hands to be slaughtered off-farm. For decades, producers have claimed that fewer, but larger, packing companies exerted disproportionate leverage in the price discovery process. Concerns boiled over in recent years as the spread between fed cattle prices […]

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Higher bred cow values ahead

Cattle prices are advancing for all classes of cattle.  Prices for Oklahoma feeder steers (under 700 pounds) and heifers (under 650 pounds) have increased 12-20 percent since the end of 2022.  Bigger steers and heifer prices have increased five to eight percent, still weighed down by high corn prices. Fed cattle prices at the end of […]

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A simple guide to the wildflowers of Britain

From deciduous woods yet to fill out with leaf, to windswept hilltop shingle beach and riverbank, our flora can give so much pleasure. British flora is modest by international standards, but full of pleasures for those prepared to look closer. Woodland flowers come early in the spring, before the canopy closes overhead, then the lanes […]

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Study shows red meat exports’ value to corn, soybean industries

A record value of beef and pork exports brought significant returns to the U.S. corn and soybean industries in 2022, according to an independent study conducted by World Perspectives, Inc. and released by the U.S. Meat Export Federation. U.S. pork and beef exports contributed an estimated total economic impact of 15% per bushel to the […]

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ARS battles brucellosis in wildlife to protect domestic livestock

Brucellosis is a complicated and profoundly destructive disease. The bacterium has a myriad of species that can infect different animal populations, both domestic and wild, with many of the Brucella species capable of spreading to humans. It can also be hard to identify clinically as, in the absence of abortions or stillbirths, the disease causes […]

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