Grants give boost to Charters Towers community
Community grant to help with key projects in the Charters Towers region. Click to check the original article.
Community grant to help with key projects in the Charters Towers region. Click to check the original article.
Listings from Queensland were down 24pc last week, as rain-induced logistical issues restricted access for assessment and transport of stock. Click to check the original article.
Meet the youngest women in Australia to hold a live export licence Click to check the original article.
Outback Queensland Tourism Association chairman Andrew Martin said the event had grown from strength to strength to become an iconic event on the regional calendar, encouraging people to travel through the region, stopping longer and spending more in remote towns, enjoying world-class entertainment, unique golf courses and community connections along the way. Click to check […]
Outback Queensland Tourism Association chairman Andrew Martin said the event had grown from strength to strength to become an iconic event on the regional calendar, encouraging people to travel through the region, stopping longer and spending more in remote towns, enjoying world-class entertainment, unique golf courses and community connections along the way. Click to check […]
Ewes bred to ‘punch out wool’ win the ewe championship Click to check the original article.
Described as a one-of-a-kind individual, Joe Rolfe was a senior principal extension officer, from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries’ north beef and sheep team based in Mareeba. Click to check the original article.
The supply of stock at the Toowoomba cattle sale lifted to 339 head on Monday after the rain reduced yarding the previous week. Young cattle were in the largest numbers along with a handful of cows. A fair panel of buyers was present and operating. Prices followed the easing trend experienced in other selling centres […]
Artesian water bathing captures national attention as Cunnamulla prepares to open tourist hot springs. Click to check the original article.
Malford turns the tables to win this year’s Walcha Flock Ewe competition Click to check the original article.
A pregnancy rate of 89 per cent was recorded for ewes fed daily and for ewes fed on alternate days. A similar number of pregnant ewes were scanned with multiple fetuses, 41 percent compared to 44 per cent, indicating that high rates of reproduction are achievable when containment feeding during joining. Click to check the […]
Regardless of when your calving season occurs, manipulating the reproductive process of your cow herd can result in shorter breeding and calving seasons. Accordingly, more calves born earlier in the calving season result in an older, heavier, more uniform calf crop when you wean. Shortened calving seasons permit improvements in herd health and management such […]