Ex-Army drone tech takes on farm black spots
A former army engineer who started his own drone consultancy firm has set his sights on ag and rural Australia. Click to check the original article.
A former army engineer who started his own drone consultancy firm has set his sights on ag and rural Australia. Click to check the original article.
THE impacts of a venereal disease that causes cattle infertility and costs the industry hundreds of millions of dollars could be mitigated by an experimental vaccine created at The University of Queensland. Professor Ala Tabor. Credit: Megan Pope Professor Ala Tabor from the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation said vaccines for the bovine trichomoniasis protozoa are […]
Storms building up near McKinlay in Northwest Qld, which has had one of its best seasons in a long time. Photo: Horizon Grazing PARTS of Northern Australia are enjoying the best start to the wet season in more than a decade, with regular rain events since December. While severe flooding has damaged the Kimberley region […]
THE Australian beef industry for the first time has a comprehensive set of national language guidelines for trading and description of livestock. While some elements of the National Bovine Livestock Language Guidelines have been seen previously under organisations like BreedPlan, state departments of agriculture, breed societies, AusMeat and livestock trading groups like AuctionsPlus, this is […]
Health Minister supports campaign ‘in principle’. Click to check the original article.
The incident occurred just after midday on Thursday. Click to check the original article.
Authorities are hunting a crocodile in a far north Queensland river after a man and his dog were attacked. Click to check the original article.
Sales of steers included 17 Angus, weighing 445kg sold for $1880 by R Wyatt, Barandudah, Vic,: five Charolais steers weighing 455kg sold by Nott and Jasper, Rutherglen, for $1810, and 23 Herefords sold by SG and CW Hodgkin, Callaghan Creek, Vic, weighing 373kg for $1580. Click to check the original article.
Ranchlands is 2586 hectares of elevated buffel grass property well suited to backgrounding and fattening. Click to check the original article.
Saltwater Country founder and Yawuru/Bunuba woman Cara Peek said the training aimed to future-proof stations and the Kimberley region, with a focus on standard animal welfare and biosecurity checks, herd management, fertility rates, vaccination protocols and processes. Click to check the original article.
Yarding 5373 Change -340 The supply of stock at Dalby reduced by 340 head however still remained relatively high at 5,033. Cattle were drawn from a wide area with 364 from far Western Queensland 700 from New South Wales and 104 head from South Australia. All the usual buyers were in attendance and active in […]
Anyone who has been following the cattle emissions debate in recent years will be familiar with the term “GWP star”. It is a metric that scientists such as Frank Mitloehner from the University of California Davis and Miles Allen from Oxford University say provides a more accurate measure of the behaviour of methane in the […]