Carbon market celebrated at Wilmot field days
A new crop of keen regenerative farmers gathered at Hernani this week to learn more about managed grazing and the developing soil carbon market. Click to check the original article.
A new crop of keen regenerative farmers gathered at Hernani this week to learn more about managed grazing and the developing soil carbon market. Click to check the original article.
“Imposing what constitutes major, expensive permanent and potentially unnecessary changes on the sheep and goat industries without accepting sensible recommendations put forward by those who are ultimately paying the full cost for it one way or another has most definitely got their back up, and inflexible decision making is eroding respect for the process,” Mr […]
The stylish and quiet, high indexing, average birthweight bull matched his physical attributes with equally as impressive growth and carcase Breedplan performance, ranking in the breed’s top 2pc for carcase weight (CW), top 5-11pc for all weight intervals, top 4pc for both Angus selection indexes, top 5pc eye muscle area (EMA), top 6pc milk, top […]
Atrractive 353 hectare property Meadow Creek has sold after auction. Click to check the original article.
Northern Territory live export buffalo at the Noonamah yards. About 11,000 head are exported live each year. Photo: NT Buffalo Industry Association THE Northern Territory buffalo industry has pushed back on a new study suggesting culling the wild Top End bovine has the potential earn millions-of-dollars in carbon credits. A team of scientists from Charles […]
The Murgon Show Society’s 2023 representatives: Miss Murgon – Renee Irvine, Mrs Murgon – Claire Kapernick, Showgirl – Amy Henderson, Junior Show Princesses – Ellie Eagleson and Kate Macmillan, Rural Ambassador – Patrick Noakes and Junior Showgirl – Emma Lindholm. Click to check the original article.
The violence, theft and abuse must stop, says Katrina Humphries. Click to check the original article.
North west Queensland is notably the backdrop for many of Rowena Paine-Murphy’s award-winning paintings. Click to check the original article.
The asset management company – it has over $887 million invested in beef cattle, meat and wool sheep, cropping, poultry, and timber supply chains, in four states and territories – hopes that the diversity of its bid – encouraging as much use of the assets and the training facility as possible – will be the […]
Zoetis has announced a new advanced implant applicator designed specifically for user ease and precision. The Synovex Exact10 applicator features multiple design improvements that allow for user comfort and ease, no matter what type of cattle operation. The Exact10 is compatible with every Synovex implant cartridge and makes the implantation process efficient and productive. “We […]
As a young fellow, I attended an agricultural college at the foot of an extinct volcano, Mt Noorat. In particular, I recall the comments of my animal production lecturer, who said in his measured manner: “When it comes to making money on the land, it’s sheep always, cattle sometimes and horses never”. Click to check […]
As a young fellow, I attended an agricultural college at the foot of an extinct volcano, Mt Noorat. In particular, I recall the comments of my animal production lecturer, who said in his measured manner: “When it comes to making money on the land, it’s sheep always, cattle sometimes and horses never”. Click to check […]