Mount William's top Charolais bull is Queensland bound
The sale had mixed results. Click to check the original article.
The sale had mixed results. Click to check the original article.
Did you get in on the action? You might be in our gallery of photos. Click to check the original article.
The gardener and artist Kate Corbett-Winder chooses an Ivon Hitchins painting of nature. Kate Corbett-Winder on her choice, Spring Moon (Reflected In A Pool) by Ivon Hitchens ‘As a painter of landscape and Nature, I have always loved this early Ivon Hitchens. It has a freedom and apparent spontaneity that I find inspirational beyond words. […]
All four entrants in the West Wyalong flock ewe competition were tested out with a wet season but ewes were still presented in good condition Click to check the original article.
David Flower captures the spirit of country Queensland in his songs. Click to check the original article.
CHANGES to COVID restrictions in China have seen imported beef trade through Chinese Ports become a lot easier over the past month. Both Australian exporters and Chinese importers have commented on the development, with customs inspection and clearance times dropping from as much as two months previously, to one to two weeks since mid-January. The […]
When Mr Wilson was only 21-years-old his father tragically passed away, but he continued his Dad’s love of mustering, campdraft and race horses and had travelled to North America two years prior to work as a strapper for cutting trainer Lindy Burch, and was heavily influenced by rodeo legend, the late Chilla Seeney. Click to […]
A WELL-known scientist from the United States says reducing livestock emissions could become a major source of offsets if the industry sets the appropriate targets. University of California Davis air quality specialist Frank Mitloehner has been travelling Australia for the past two weeks, explaining livestock-related methane emissions to agriculture groups, conferences and universities. Dr Mitloehner, […]
Up to 165mm of rain has been forecast for Normanton over the next six days with similar totals predicted for Burketown. Click to check the original article.
Broomehill is the first of these projects to include a new fixed rail loading design (by Australian bulk storage and handling manufacturers Kotzur), which consists of four 1100 tonne V-bottom silos, a 500t per hour auger pit, 500t per hour elevator with drag conveyors, a 1500 tonne per hour elevator to load trains, and state-of-the-art […]
The Bureau of Meteorology’s forecast for Mount Isa over the next six days shows high temperatures and plenty of sun across Tuesday and Wednesday, while possible showers and storms look set to hit towards the back end of the week and heading in to the weekend. Click to check the original article.
A 30 per cent jump in average rainfall during the growing season has helped Peter and Kylie Bach secure a bumper barley crop. Click to check the original article.