Beef Spectacular Feedback Trial 2023: Impressed by daily weight gains in trial
Data from trial a good benchmark for The Sisters Pastoral Company. Click to check the original article.
Data from trial a good benchmark for The Sisters Pastoral Company. Click to check the original article.
When Mr Wilson was only 21-years-old his father tragically passed away, but he continued his Dad’s love of mustering, campdraft and race horses and had travelled to North America two years prior to work as a strapper for cutting trainer Lindy Burch, and was heavily influenced by rodeo legend, the late Chilla Seeney. Click to […]
Aussie country music singer James Johnston shares his journey from gigging around country Queensland, to winning two Golden Guitars. Click to check the original article.
From Drillham, Queensland, these 105 purebred (F4-F7) Wagyu backgrounder steers 16-22 months averaging 364kg returned 821c/kg or $3000/head. A further 51 of their heavier half-brothers averaging 421kg made 665c/kg or $2800. CATTLE offerings via Elders and Nutrien’s online platform AuctionsPlus lifted 26 percent last week, reaching 12,014 head. The number was still 43pc below […]
A legal challenge has been launched over plans to drill and frack 12 exploratory wells in the Beetaloo Basin, about 300km south of Darwin. Click to check the original article.
Barley varieties are being developed that can adapt to modern farming conditions. Click to check the original article.
As the state government prepares necessary reforms to the existing framework for mining claims, a landholder’s voice has never been more important. Click to check the original article.
“I’ve always had livestock and wool in the blood, so it’s great to be joining Elders to become part of a team with such an extensive network,” said Brad Groves. Click to check the original article.
In their first year of entering the Beef Spectacular Mackinnon Pastoral finished fifth in eating quality. Click to check the original article.
When you read this article you might do a double blink at the date and wonder, like me, for the umpteenth time, where on earth the time has gone since December 2019. Click to check the original article.
The 2022-drop ram was sired by Mount Ronan 210174 and has ASBVs of 0.40 BWT, 14.21 PWWT, 15.86 adult weight (AWT), 1.34 maternal weaning weight (MWT), 2.67 PEMD, -1.04 PFAT, -13.36 yearling greasy fleece weight (YGFW), 0.39 yearling fibre diameter (YFD), 0.09 weaning rate (WR) and a maternal carcase production plus index (MCP+) of 155.77. […]
Hartley Valley Garden Festival set to go ahead March 4-5, 2023. Click to check the original article.