Chinaman Creek Dam reopens to public
The project, which has been in the works since 2021, cost $2.8 million and was intended to increase recreational options within Cloncurry. Click to check the original article.
The project, which has been in the works since 2021, cost $2.8 million and was intended to increase recreational options within Cloncurry. Click to check the original article.
The graduates underwent six months of specialist domestic violence training, risk and trauma management, while also participating in units with a specific focus on cultural complexities. Click to check the original article.
Other more active buyers were Mr Brown, buying for Bassem Dabbah and Springfield Farms, along with Rodney Galati clerking his purchases to Livestock Shipping Services and Galati Family Trust, Brunswick, paying to a top of $1449 for calves from RG Procopio, Nannup. Click to check the original article.
“Unfortunately, this season we weren’t able to get any Intervix on in-crop as it was too wet and the plants were too advanced when it eventually dried out enough, however having the imi tolerance with Maximus will be helpful in reducing our weed burden,” he said. Click to check the original article.
Berrington is a 417 hectare property with an estimated carrying capacity of 300 breeders. Click to check the original article.
The National Australia Bank, which opened its doors at Longreach in the late 1880s, has announced it will close the branch on Thursday, April 23. Click to check the original article.
In contrast to the WWC offering blow out, both the main Melbourne and Sydney wool selling centres trimmed last week’s offerings considerably, with woolgrowers selling through Melbourne enjoying a firmer market and solid price rises across fine and mid micron segments, according to AWEX. Click to check the original article.
NAB chief economist Alan Oster commented that “our monthly transaction data indicates that spending softened in December after a solid rise in November, largely driven by weakness in retail goods and spending on fuel, while discretionary spending showed some strength” and “while total spending was up 1.6pc in the December quarter, this is the slowest […]
Quality offerings were rewarded with top prices. Click to check the original article.
An ultra rare Przewalski’s horse foal has been born, helping to stop the species from becoming extinct. Click to check the original article.
An Angus-cross steer exhibited by Russell Pastoral Company, Jimbour and Blackall, also placed second in eating quality in the 70-day HGP trade class, as well as taking out highest individual index score. This eating quality class was again dominated by Angus cross cattle, with Aurelian Pastoral Co (Angus-Ultrablack) placing first, and McIntyre Agriculture (Angus-cross) coming […]
Some 257 head were yarded with agents commenting that light feeder steers were noticeably dearer while weaner steers and heifers were also stronger. Click to check the original article.