30-unit housing development proposed in Parkside
The proposal involves the construction of 30 one-bedroom units on the corner of Nineteenth Avenue and Brilliant Street. Click to check the original article.
The proposal involves the construction of 30 one-bedroom units on the corner of Nineteenth Avenue and Brilliant Street. Click to check the original article.
“We don’t join the Service for any accolades, but each of these officers is deserving of this recognition for the work they’ve done across the span of their careers.” Click to check the original article.
The Invergelly, Invew and Taminga aggregation is expected to draw interest at above $8 million Click to check the original article.
Bidders were sluggish to lift a finger on the first quality line of eight Angus cross heifers from PM & TL Duggan, Cowaramup, but finally it was knocked down to astute buyer, Elders Margaret River agent Alec Williams, with these clerked at $1900, to get buyers started. Click to check the original article.
There’s not many people who can say they’ve gone from contract mustering in western Queensland to selling superfine wool to Italian fashion houses but Blackall’s Johnny MacNamara is one of them. Click to check the original article.
Are we in rural Australia best served by career politicians, or by passionate representatives with life experience? Click to check the original article.
On Friday, the S&P500 enjoyed the best day in two weeks before heading into the Lunar New Year. Click to check the original article.
Despite the floods being three weeks ago, Tens of thousands of cattle are feared lost, while homes, major infrastructure and transport routes have been completely destroyed in the flood-ravaged Kimberley. Click to check the original article.
Fast-flowing water could see levels rise quickly today in the De Grey River catchment in the Pilbara region. Click to check the original article.
A pen of 20 Angus heifers selling for $3200 topped the Ray White Livestock Northern NSW Angus Feature Sale Click to check the original article.
“CBL (Canegrowers Burdekin Limited) was aware of the problems early in the season and on August 1, we formally put forward a cane transfer proposal to Wilmar to transfer a material amount of cane across a number of mills to optimise district crushing capacity, but it was dismissed as being administratively complex, which was a […]
The dramatic drop in prices for goats, from a high of around $10 a kilogram carcase weight to a little over $4, is causing concern among Queensland producers who invested heavily in the industry in recent years, but one agent believes the market will return to more sustainable levels in the medium term. Click to […]