Lockyer Valley dairy farmers back in business after 2022 floods
The Stock family’s dairy operation is back to regular programming, twelve months after being hit by extreme floods. Click to check the original article.
The Stock family’s dairy operation is back to regular programming, twelve months after being hit by extreme floods. Click to check the original article.
WINNING WAMMCO’s Producer of the Month title for December, 2022, would not have entered the minds of former shearing contractor Darrell Crowley and his wife Janine when they invested in their first small farm close to the Gairdner CBH bin, on the South Coast highway in 2007. Click to check the original article.
Keen interest in Merino ewes on Southern Tablelands Click to check the original article.
A $7 million ‘crop to shop’ popcorn factory has opened on the Darling Downs. Click to check the original article.
The Land’s livestock editor Hannah Powe will be finishing up with the newspaper this week. Click to check the original article.
‘Broccoli is an exciting green at a time of year when the kitchen garden feels a little sparse,’ says our kitchen garden cook Melanie Johnson as she shares this recipe. Broccoli is surprisingly versatile, adds Melanie, who also suggests making a soup. Simply fill a pan with broccoli florets, add in an onion and a […]
The running of the 2023 Gilgandra Cup drew a large crowd of racegoers on January 2. Click to check the original article.
Grafton’s second store sale for January recorded softening prices for all categories as retail puts the squeeze on buyers. Click to check the original article.
No rain check for mango harvest. Click to check the original article.
NATIONALS leader David Littleproud says he believes Labor intends to use the European Union’s (EU) new land clearing laws as a stalking horse to impose new draconian laws on Australian farmers. Mr Littleproud said agriculture minister Murray Watt had sold out Australian farmers at today’s Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin, by claiming […]
Farmers Bianca Tarrant and David McGiveron built their business Our Cow out of bush fires and drought delivering grass fed and organic meat across Australia, pictured on their property in Deep River, NSW, on December 4 2021. Photo: Elise Derwin / SMH NORTHERN New South Wales meat delivery start up Our Cow has added to […]
A decision on the future of the services is expected to be made before the end of 2023. Click to check the original article.