New year and new horizons
Think of the market as averages says Andrew Whitelaw from Episode 3. Click to check the original article.
Think of the market as averages says Andrew Whitelaw from Episode 3. Click to check the original article.
Roberts Hardwood, Woodford, sold Santa cross males for $1440. David Lee, Peachester, sold a line of Droughtmaster heifers for $1200. Friedrich family, Toogoolawah, sold Murray Grey vealer heifer calves for $1080. Iris Wessling, Kilcoy, sold the top cow for $1730. Peter Brown, Nanango, sold Brangus cows and calves for $1820. Click to check the original […]
OPINION: More needs to be done to improve transport links with Western Australia’s North West. Click to check the original article.
Damp start to Biggenden cattle sales. Click to check the original article.
However a motion calling for Livestock SA to dismiss the 12-member steering committee (made up of sheep producers, agents, processors, saleyard and PIRSA representatives, who have spent the past four months deliberating the best way foward for eID) and replace it with a group of “genuine sheep producers” did not get up. Click to check […]
Booringa is described as a scale, value for money cattle breeding enterprise, with safe water and scope for continued improvement. Click to check the original article.
Multiple cattle were killed overnight. Click to check the original article.
The generally cheaper online trend last week matched the results through the weaner sales, with buyer cautiousness apparent. Click to check the original article.
The generally cheaper online trend last week matched the results through the weaner sales, with buyer cautiousness apparent. Click to check the original article.
WA road transport operators happy with the way CBH handled the record harvest. Click to check the original article.
The Animal Justice Party wants a moratorium on roo culling until the flooding damage and impact on population has been established. Click to check the original article.
At smoko, Wal Merriman called for a moments silence in remembrance of the late and great supporters of the Great Southern Supreme Merino show – Rob Peden, (Bullamilita, Goulburn), Sean Ballinger (Waverley Downs, Delungra), John ‘Sam’ Phillips (Thalabah, Laggan) and Don Phillips (Yarrawonga, Harden). Click to check the original article.