Lot feeders buy up heavier cattle at Hamilton's all breed feature weaner sale
Angus and Herefords the most dominant breeds for sale. Click to check the original article.
Angus and Herefords the most dominant breeds for sale. Click to check the original article.
Angus and Herefords the most dominant breeds for sale. Click to check the original article.
As part of the World Avocado Congress NZ 2023, topics will include the future of food, sustainability, climate change, food trends, food security, water and carbon lifecycles for avocado production, research and practical on-orchard application of research to achieve high-yield, agritech innovation, global supply chains, grower returns, and the ongoing challenges of food supply, to […]
Live leeches Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and Australia’s Director of Biosecurity, Andrew Metcalfe AO, said it was important to check what is safe to bring into Australia when going on holidays overseas or buying goods online. “If there’s one thing we’ve seen this year, it’s that Australians care about biosecurity […]
Presenters at the two-day summit on the societal role of meat in Dublin in October 2022 included Declan Troy, Jason Rowntree, Willhelm Windisch, Nick Smith, PeterBallerstedt, Shirley Tarawali, Paul Wood, Neil Mann, Peer Ederer, Max Makuvise, Theo de Jager, Pablo Manzano, Diana Rodgers, Alice Stanton, Bradley Johnson and Frederic Leroy. 50 AUSTRALIAN scientists have now […]
The Julia Creek ticket was one of four division one wins in Queensland from the New Year’s Eve Saturday Gold Lotto draw. Click to check the original article.
A livestock carrier “arrested” at Portland by Australian Government officials for alleged non-payment of bills by its owners is set to be auctioned to recover unpaid funds under an Australian Federal Court order. The Yangtze Fortune in Australia in 2018. Image source: Bahnfrend – CC BY-SA 4.0 license Yangtze Fortune, which has regularly carried Australian […]
Chair Cheryl Vardon announced the board appointments in mid-December. Click to check the original article.
Export and trade cattle were in limited numbers but sold well on last year’s closing rates with all buyers participating. Click to check the original article.
Weaned Hereford steers at Wodonga were judged champions, awarded to David Sleigh, Ruffy, for his pen of 26 steers, 378kg, with Allandale, Mawarra and Wirruna blood, which sold for $1925. He is pictured with Peter Sykes, Mawarra. The cattle had been weaned four weeks before sale and attracted a premium dollar. Click to check the […]
A Black Angus bull has been stolen from a property south-east of Armidale in the New England region. Click to check the original article.
The childcare currently has 34 children on its waitlist. Click to check the original article.