Harvest swings and roundabouts
“In the middle of the day, the canola fluffs up and gets dry so it doesn’t feed as well,” says Ballidu farmer. Click to check the original article.
“In the middle of the day, the canola fluffs up and gets dry so it doesn’t feed as well,” says Ballidu farmer. Click to check the original article.
If you want to teach a few party tricks to your pup you’ll need to tread carefully, explains Ben Randall. When people come to me with their dogs asking about training, the likelihood is that they have some sort of behaviour wrinkle that they need ironing out. Perhaps they have a dog who won’t stop […]
WA government has failed to complete numerous reviews says Nationals MP. Click to check the original article.
A restoration project revives the spectacular interior of one of Draper’s Hall, one of London’s finest Livery Halls. John Goodall looks at the origins and history of the body that created it. Photographs by Will Pryce. Anyone who passes along Throgmorton Street in the heart of the City must have their eye drawn to an […]
A love affair with gardening is keeping a spring in the step of 94-year-old Edna “Eddie” Taylor. Click to check the original article.
After successfully growing tons of wheat, students see how it turns into food to feed the world. Click to check the original article.
Steers and bullocks 400-600kg sold to 348c and averaged 331c and steers 600-750kg reached 308c, averaging 308c. Heifers 400-500kg sold to 398c, to average 348c. Cows 400-500kg made 328c and averaged 281c, cows 500-600kg reached 300c, averaging 273c and cows over 600kg made 252c, averaging 252c. Bulls 300-500kg reached 334c, average 178c, bulls 500-650kg made […]
“This is fantastic news for the State’s grain industry, not to mention all of agriculture and regional development,” says WA farmer Rhys Turton. Click to check the original article.
A day in the life of a country bookmaker Click to check the original article.
The State government invested $11 million to secure a C130 Hercules LAT to remain in WA for four fire seasons, including this year, and confirmed on Sunday that a Commonwealth funded LAT, due to arrive later this month, will also be based in WA this bushfire season. Click to check the original article.
Wind chimes are wonderful for country gardeners as there are no neighbours to complain if they don’t like the noise. Click to check the original article.
Talk of the Town: Farmers proactive in protecting our Reef Click to check the original article.