South West Slopes country sold
Wyrung-Attunga located in NSW’s highly regarded South-West Slopes region has sold. Click to check the original article.
Wyrung-Attunga located in NSW’s highly regarded South-West Slopes region has sold. Click to check the original article.
AUSMeat’s Language and Standards Committee has approved new traits and extension to existing ones for MEQ’s growing suite of objective carcase measurement technologies. The hot carcase marbling measurement version of the MEQ Probe (see earlier story here), is now conditionally accredited for AUSMeat marbling scores 7-9, and fully accredited for the entire MSA marbling point […]
The Punter is strongly tempted to buy back into ALS but remains dubious about the state of the market as a whole. Click to check the original article.
The plant is a Weed of National Significance thanks to the way it reduces oxygen levels in the water, affecting water quality, wreaking havoc on irrigation systems, creating an ideal breading grounds for mosquitoes and non-native fish, and being a drowning threat to animals and wildlife. Click to check the original article.
Rural industry once again proved the place to invest with NSW property prices posting impressive gains during 2022. Click to check the original article.
Tour group members visiting the Intercontinental Hotel Saigon included Brett Stockings and Gabi Ryan, Fletcher International Exports; Lachlan Teys, Teys Australia; Jelena Radisic, Greenham; Hamish Irvine and Bryce Thomson, Bindaree Food Group; and Amanda Carter and Caitlin Morris, AMPC. STUDENTS participating in the Australian Meat Processor Corporation-funded Graduate Certificate in Agribusiness recently travelled to […]
The Australian Brahman Breeders Association has welcomed a number of new faces on its board ahead of the 2023 season. Click to check the original article.
In the pregnancy-tested-in-calf (PTIC) offering, John Fitzgerald sold seven second-calf Angus females for $3150 that had been joined to a Sugarloaf Angus sire to Allan McGibbon, Bingleburra. Samantha Jewell, Clarencetown, sold nine young Angus cows with calves at foot for $3950, bought by Scott and Annette Sullivan, Clifford, Gresford. Click to check the original article.
Restocker steers sold to a slightly easier market. Click to check the original article.
New guide celebrates what makes WA’s nine wine regions so special. Click to check the original article.
New guide celebrates what makes WA’s nine wine regions so special. Click to check the original article.
The late Anthony Crichton-Brown’s noted 51,280 hectare Coolong pastoral portfolio has sold. Click to check the original article.