Graham Henderson leaves a legacy to the agency game
Vale Graham “Gravely” Henderson Click to check the original article.
Vale Graham “Gravely” Henderson Click to check the original article.
The near-term outlook for oil has deteriorated recently with uncertainty surrounding China’s demand in the light of surging COVID-19 cases. Click to check the original article.
Tweaking avocado traits is a step closer thanks to some clever Aussie researchers. Click to check the original article.
This video provides an overview of key steps to consider in the calibration of spray equipment. Out turn quality issues in avocado … Click to check the original.
Almost every market has been down so far this year for the WA live export cattle market. Click to check the original article.
The sudden passing of Jim Millar touched many in the WA livestock industry and beyond. Click to check the original article.
The result was the best of any of the three years of competition. Click to check the original article.
Witnesses reported hearing a huge bang before the truck burst into flames. Click to check the original article.
“Back then we produced about 55,000 live calves in our breeder herd, turned off 150,00 head from our backgrounding properties into our feedlots, turned off 214,00 head out of our feedlots to our processing plants, which killed close to 300,000 animals per year. Click to check the original article.
This week’s Taking Stock is by Samantha Townsend who talks about why we shouldn’t name our livestock. Click to check the original article.
Fyvies Run delivers outstanding 360 degree views of the Southern Tablelands. Click to check the original article.
Since then, WA dairy farm numbers have diminished 27.5pc, effectively slowly transferring bargaining power within the local industry from major processors – Brownes, Harvey Fresh, Bega Dairy & Drinks and Coles Supermarkets, which buys milk direct off farmers and has it processed by Bega under a toll arrangement – to the remaining dairy farmers. Click […]