Bullocks and cows cheaper at Towers but store sale fully booked
There was a wide selection of heavy bullocks and a good selection of prime cows that sold to a cheaper trend, with some processors not operating. Click to check the original article.
There was a wide selection of heavy bullocks and a good selection of prime cows that sold to a cheaper trend, with some processors not operating. Click to check the original article.
The southern Queensland harvesting season got off to a slow start due to the weather, but is now in full swing. Click to check the original article.
The market welcomed a big downward surprise in the US CPI data on Friday. Click to check the original article.
With the $192 top-priced line of ewes at last weeks Elders Katanning Premier Ewe Sale offered by the Patterson family, Bibikin Farms, Woolkabin stud, Woodanilling, were Hamish Ball (left), with his brother-in-law and father-in-law Ben and Eric Patterson, Bibikin Farms, Woolkabin classer and Elders stud stock representative Kevin Broad and Elders Katanning agent and stud […]
The Australian Agricultural Co’s half-year results released today showed an improved operating profit $38.3 million, up 28 percent from $30 million for the same half last year. The result for the six months ended 30 September was driven by a 25.9pc improvement (20.1pc when currency is accounted for) in average meat sales price per kilogram, […]
The green light has been given to export beef from the Signature Onfarm processing plant in Central Queensland. Click to check the original article.
X-ELIO has officially launched its Blue Grass Solar Farm in Queensland’s Western Downs. Click to check the original article.
AS the floodwaters continue to worsen, farmers are concerned the bush is being forgotten when it comes to recovery support. Click to check the original article.
Weaner steers under 200kg topped at 702c/kg and averaged 645c/kg. Click to check the original article.
Rain and floods have wreaked havoc across the whole horticulture industry Click to check the original article.
Heli-Muster pilot Donal Sullivan discusses social media at the LIVEXchange 2022 conference. LIVE export, cattle and peak farming bodies got some advice on social media strategy from one of the sector’s most followed ambassadors at the LIVEXchange 2022 conference in Darwin last week. A conference session focused on what the sector has learnt since the […]
About 220 students from nearly 20 schools have attended the Northern Schools Steer Competition 2022 at Manilla showgrounds. Click to check the original article.