Resilient Primex Field days delivers wow to crowds
An out of season Primex Field days did nothing to deter the crowds. Click to check the original article.
An out of season Primex Field days did nothing to deter the crowds. Click to check the original article.
The discount from milling grades to feed will be larger than normal this season. Click to check the original article.
The importance of traceability and a fast, comprehensive reaction should lumpy skin or foot and mouth disease be detected in Australia was emphasised strongly at the LIVEXchange national conference in Darwin. Click to check the original article.
Australian agriculture has a bright future, and here are 23 farmers that are making good things happen. Click to check the original article.
Grazing management that may include some paddocks being cut for hay or silage, which helps ensure, in the case of autumn, clovers and, in spring, tropical grasses, are not smothered, is important. In general terms, it means keeping drymatter at these key times below 3t/ha, which should help ensure their timely commencement of growth. Click […]
The U.S. Meat Export Federation Strategic Planning Conference wrapped up Friday in Oklahoma City with the election of a new officer team. Dean Meyer, a corn, soybean and livestock producer from Rock Rapids, Iowa, is the new USMEF chair. In addition to raising corn and soybeans, Meyer’s diversified operation – which he oversees with his […]
How can I stop my usually placid dog getting grumpy with certain dogs? Award-winning trainer Ben Randall advises on how to avoid conflict. Our dogs are really no different from us. Most of us are placid, happy people, who get on well with everyone. But every now and then we meet someone whom we take […]
Those taking part in the signing of the MoU at Tabulam are Australian Light Horse Association president, Lawrence Watts, property owner Mieke Bell, Jan Gall, representing the Chauvel family, and General Sir Harry Chauvel Memorial Foundation Inc president, Lieutenant-Colonel Graeme Smith RFD. Picture: Supplied Click to check the original article.
In our 125th anniversary year, Country Life has been taking a look at the development of the English home. This week, John Goodall looks at the architecture of Victorian Houses from 1837–1890. At noon on November 1, 1851, a 23-year-old American, Anna Maria Fay, and her aunt boarded ‘the funniest old-fashioned little steamer’ to carry […]
CHALLENGING trading conditions for Australian red meat processors were reflected in a $7.911 million after-tax loss for the annual year ended June 30 by the Northern Co‐operative Meat Co based at Casino in Northern NSW. The result was handed down to shareholders at the cooperative’s annual general meeting last week. NCMC last year changed its […]
Over 20 years ago, Gary “Begs” Begley decided he would help keep the craft of saddle-making alive. Click to check the original article.
Government representatives will meet community members in Hughenden. Click to check the original article.