Top Charolais bulls set for CQ
Six liked minded Queensland Charolais Studs have united to offer a top-notch draft of bulls for the first CQ Premier Charolais Bull Sale at CQLX. Click to check the original article.
Six liked minded Queensland Charolais Studs have united to offer a top-notch draft of bulls for the first CQ Premier Charolais Bull Sale at CQLX. Click to check the original article.
Volume buyers included the Whitely family, Cudal, who bout four rams to a $2800 top to average $2500; SKH Farming through Elders Walgett bought six rams to a top of $1500 to average $1400; P.L. and I.M. Weston, Cumnock, bought 10 rams to a $1500 top to average $1440, Reedy Creek Partners, Mandagery, bought four […]
Unforgettable against the odds grand final win by East Ballarat Click to check the original article.
Day one consisted on educational sessions including; embryo collection, donor management and programming recipient females, structure, bull assessment, tagging, paraders, show preparation, steer selection, animal health, pregnancy testing, marketing, clipping, and much more. Click to check the original article.
Vendors Ian and Terri Pedracini of Pedracini Grazing, Scartwater Station, Charters Towers offloaded a total head of 666 store steers, mickeys and heifers to average 403c/kg and return $1171 per head. Seen here with Ray White Geaney Kirkwood livestock agent Matthew Geaney. Picture: Zoe Thomas. Click to check the original article.
NSW interest drives Ellangowan stud’s third annual bull sale. Click to check the original article.
A tripartite agriculture working group of unions, industry and government has been set up to help address labour shortages. Photo: Murray Watt Twitter FARMERS, meat processors and wool producers have welcomed a Federal Government commitment to lift the permanent skilled migration rate by 35,000 places this year. The commitment was followed by Minister for Agriculture […]
THE red-hot 2022 spring bull selling season continued yesterday when the Thompson family’s Millah Murrah Angus sale near Bathurst re-wrote the record books, selling all 128 bulls offered for a phenomenal $43,633 average. The result is being claimed by Angus Australia as a world-record for a single vendor on property bull sale. It eclipsed the […]
Riverina pastoral property Glen Emu Station has sold at an Elders auction for $150.50/acre. Click to check the original article.
The National Farmers’ Federation has called on Government to prioritise action on agriculture’s workforce issues as the Jobs and Skills Summit draws to a close. NFF president Fiona Simson addressing the Jobs and Skills summit NFF President Fiona Simson, who attended the Summit, labelled the event a useful exercise in bringing people together and building […]
Jane Wheatley meets Cotswolds artist Jeremy Houghton. Jeremy Houghton’s work as artist in residence takes him behind the closed doors of some of the country’s most exclusive locations: Windsor Castle, Cirencester Park Polo Club, Wimbledon. He began by tapping family military connections to paint the Grenadier Guards. ‘I had an exhibition in the Mess and […]
Organisers of the Birdsville Races have confirmed day two will go ahead. Tomorrow’s race program has yet to be confirmed, however, organisers have said the TAB Birdsville Cup will definitely feature. Click to check the original article.