Fencing tools just not cutting it
The Land journalist Samantha Townsend says manufacturers should target women when designing farm tools as they make up a significant portion of the workforce. Click to check the original article.
The Land journalist Samantha Townsend says manufacturers should target women when designing farm tools as they make up a significant portion of the workforce. Click to check the original article.
Queensland firearm dealers are being financially impacted and public safety put at risk due to permit issues, industry says. Click to check the original article.
Low female slaughter and positive spring bull sale results point towards strengthening of the national beef herd rebuild, Meat & Livestock Australia says. The female slaughter rate (FSR) is a technical lead indicator of whether the national herd is operating in a rebuild or liquidation stage. The FSR tracks the number of female cattle processed […]
It was fourth time lucky for Toowoomba Rangers after losing grand finals in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Click to check the original article.
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and […]
GrainCorp are adding two million tonne of storage to sites ahead of another expected big harvest with 250,000 planned for the Parkes Sub Terminal. Click to check the original article.
Plan calls for ban to reduce exposure to dangerous pollutants. Click to check the original article.
Steers under 200kg reached 422c to average 422c, steers 200 – 300kg sold to 550c, averaging 395c, steers 300 – 400kg topped at 288c and averaged 280c. Mickeys 200-300kg sold to 348c, average 270c. Heifers under 200kg topped at 476c and averaged 439c, and heifers 200 – 300kg sold to 346c, averaging 346c. Click to […]
Samantha Campbell (nee Walton) has worked for regional and rural publications across News South Wales, Queensland and the Northern Territory and is currently the senior journalist at the North West Star in Mount Isa. Sam enjoys family life on their cattle station with her husband and two kids and competes in local campdraft and rodeo […]
A UNITED front will be presented at the Jobs and Skills Summit, held in Canberra today, Thursday, September 1 and tomorrow, Friday, September 2, with the State government teaming up with industry to push for semi-skilled occupations experiencing critical shortages – such as truck drivers and agricultural workers – to be added to the Federal […]
The weekend competition at the Mount Isa Golf Club saw the lady golfers vie for top honours in an 18-hole Stableford event. Click to check the original article.
Grain trade heifers and steers from L and J Muller Pty Ltd sold for 463.2c and 471.2c, respectively, to return $1951 and $2070. Shine Bros sold heavy feeders steers for 519.2c to return $2157. Heavy feeders steers from Petroster Pty Ltd made 509.2c to come back at $2223. Click to check the original article.