Korean deal boosts shares in urea producer
To the Punter’s surprise, his cheeky 14 cents-a-share bid for a stake in would-be urea producer Neurizer has been filled. Click to check the original article.
To the Punter’s surprise, his cheeky 14 cents-a-share bid for a stake in would-be urea producer Neurizer has been filled. Click to check the original article.
Trevor Carberry, Elaman Creek, sold South Devon steer calves for $1200. Sommer Brothers, Maleny, sold Angus cows for $1800. John Chambers, Neurum, sold Santa calves, with steers making $1250 and $1230, and heifers $1195 and $900. Paul Keylar, Dayboro, sold Brangus weaner steers for $1690. Mike Wheeler, Stony Creek, sold Murray Grey calves for $1160. […]
‘Mexicans’ from south of the border competing for Queensland slaughter cattle continue to add competitive tension in the northern slaughter cattle market this week. Most Queensland processor grids have shifted higher again since yesterday, as a phalanx of Victorian meat processors continue to source cattle out of more northerly regions – albeit with a 40-50c/kg […]
The 2022 Rabobank WA Sheep Expo & Ram Sale, Rabobank Trophy for the best team of five sheep was exhibited by the King familys Rangeview stud, Darkan. Holding the August shorn group of two Merino rams, two Poll Merino ewes and a Merino ewe were Geraldine (left), John, Jodie, Melinda and Jeremy King, Rangeview stud, […]
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and […]
To view video click here The North Australia Beef Research Council says future research into pasture dieback must concentrate on pasture health and restoration to maximize the benefit of the research to the industry. When pasture dieback re-emerged in 2015 as a devastating threat to Central Queensland grazing operations, NABRC worked with MLA, the Queensland […]
New South Wales Police’s Rural Crime Prevention Team has relaunched a proactive operation to prevent livestock theft by disrupting the movement of stolen stock throughout NSW. Operation Stock Check was initially launched in August 2020, and allows officers of all ranks to inspect vehicles carrying livestock to identify and target loads which may have been […]
Andrew Whitelaw asks the question, how long will we have a negative basis for? Click to check the original article.
“This series provides a legacy of information from past and current investments by the GRDC, DPIRD, Murdoch University and UWA, as well as contributions from the CSIRO, growers and industry experts, with future ebooks planned to cover soil nutrition and gravel soil,” Mr Gazey said. Click to check the original article.
Producers sharing boundaries with Crown Lands are asking for a more consistent effort in feral animal control Click to check the original article.
DESPITE relatively low rates of slaughter across Australia this year due to herd rebuilding, second quarter adult slaughter cattle value outlaid by beef processors reached record levels, data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows. The ABS production figures for the second quarter ended June 30 provided insights on slaughter, production, value and carcase […]
A Motor Sports Park for Mount Isa is now in the early planning stages. Click to check the original article.