Top price and average records smashed at Benelkay
The stud’s on-property records were smashed at Benelkay, with the top price rising by $20,000 and the average increasing by almost $4500. Click to check the original article.
The stud’s on-property records were smashed at Benelkay, with the top price rising by $20,000 and the average increasing by almost $4500. Click to check the original article.
Police report from Isa Rodeo week. Click to check the original article.
Weaning time is a high-stress situation for calves. But there are five ways cattle producers can help ease the transition and set those calves up for success. Experts from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Beef Cattle Institute at Kansas State University generally agree that low-stress weaning can contribute […]
Scott Lloyd’s barley and wheat is as good as an irrigated crop due to constant rainfall. Click to check the original article.
Global Women in Crop Science event to be at UWA next month Click to check the original article.
The family came together last weekend to celebrate more than a century of the Collins name in North Queensland. Click to check the original article.
The Angus Performance Register bull sale record was smashed at Coffin Creek Angus’ 11th annual sale. Click to check the original article.
Interstate and stud buyers pushed Warragundi Herefords sale to a $32,000 top price. Click to check the original article.
THE Australian livestock industry has invested in additional on-the-ground measures to further support the Indonesian biosecurity response to foot and mouth disease (FMD) and lumpy skin disease (LSD). Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) will provide $1.3 million to fund an Indonesian FMD vaccine support project for importers to purchase up to 600,000 vaccine doses for […]
China has blamed Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for overreacting to unofficial Chinese website reports about suspending Australian beef exports which circulated early this week, suggesting Canberra had a “guilty conscience” for the panic that has swept the Australian beef industry. In reports published in The Australian today, China’s Global Times, a government-controlled mouthpiece, said […]
THE Federal Government has today released a discussion paper for its plans to reform the main emissions policy in Australia, known as the safeguard mechanism. Currently, the mechanism requires the country’s biggest emitters, like energy companies, to keep their net emissions below a certain baseline – meaning they need to purchase offsets if they exceed […]
If your mouth isn’t watering just from the look of this picture, it might be time to check your pulse. Recipe: Brown-sugar Black Forest pavlova Ingredients Serves 4 6 egg whites 375g light brown muscovado sugar 3tbspn cocoa powder 400g cherries, pitted 2tbspn cornflour ½ lemon, juice of 100ml kirsch (optional) 3tbspn caster sugar 600ml […]