Two trains collide near Cloncurry causing derailment
Two freight trains have collided near Cloncurry causing a derailment. Click to check the original article.
Two freight trains have collided near Cloncurry causing a derailment. Click to check the original article.
Samantha Campbell (nee Walton) has worked for regional and rural publications across News South Wales, Queensland and the Northern Territory and is currently the senior journalist at the North West Star in Mount Isa. Sam enjoys family life on their cattle station with her husband and two kids and competes in local campdraft and rodeo […]
Flinders Shire Council mayor has called for a government review of the drought declaration system, saying her region has been prematurely un-declared. Click to check the original article.
The better export lambs are finding international customers Click to check the original article.
James Cook University’s Centre for Disaster Studies has found that more than two-thirds of residents living in three bushfire-prone Townsville communities do not have an evacuation plan. Click to check the original article.
Experts say monitoring feral pig movement is just as important as shooting, baiting and poisoning them, and was integral to controlling populations. Click to check the original article.
“We’re seeing decisions being made around good inductions for weaning and having good planning to be able to add additional supplements particularly, not only roughage, but a selection of grains to be able to increase energy because of the high moisture content in the pastures,” she said. Click to check the original article.
NSW Department of Primary Industries researchers have found unlocking genetic patterns in heifer puberty will improve overall herd fertility performance. Click to check the original article.
The American Veterinary Medical Association has new or revised policies on raw milk, use of prescription drugs, reporting of adverse events, genetic modification of animals in agriculture, and approval and availability of antimicrobials for food-producing animals. The AVMA House of Delegates approved the policies during its regular annual session, held July 28-29 in Philadelphia in […]
The days of peeling off a plastic bag for the apples are numbered in Coles supermarkets. Click to check the original article.
Tennessee’s state veterinarian is advising livestock buyers of best practices and legal requirements before purchasing animals for import into Tennessee. “Emerging diseases and parasites have been introduced into Tennessee this year through infected livestock purchased without the buyer seeing the animals in advance,” said State Veterinarian Samantha Beaty. “I recommend buyers visualize animals in person […]
Weaning spring calves may be more of a challenge this year because of short pasture supplies and the questionable nutritional value of this year’s hay crop. “Pay very close attention to body condition score in September and be prepared to wean, if necessary,” said Gene Schmitz, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist in Sedalia. Schmitz recently […]