Will 'lifestyle precinct' push ACC Brisbane abattoir out of town?
“We think we can be there forever if we have the right businesses around us.” Click to check the original article.
“We think we can be there forever if we have the right businesses around us.” Click to check the original article.
Conditions of wheat crops across Australia are mixed this year, with this crop of Vixen wheat at Badgingarra in WA among the better ones. Photo: Luke Freeman, Hi-Tech Ag Solutions PRICES for feedgrain were mostly steady in the northern market and firmer in the south as trading interest migrates to new-crop slots. While exporters have […]
Chongqing hot glass noodle broth Serves 2 One can’t consider chillies without visiting Sichuan, China’s spiciest region. It was here that the fruits first blazed into the country having crossed over the Himalayas, and here where they are used most keenly, combined with the piquancy of native Sichuan peppercorns. This lip-puckering hot-and-sour broth comes from […]
More than 20 stunning pieces of art were unveiled at the opening of Sculptures Out Back in Roma on Saturday. Click to check the original article.
CREDIBLE reports have emerged over the past week of Queensland red meat processors offering significant financial inducements for meatworker staff employed elsewhere to leave their current place of work. In further signs of the desperate state labour resourcing has reached in the Australian processing industry, one claim put to Beef Central last week suggested targets […]
THE mainstream media stampede might have moved on, which has calmed the issue somewhat, but at the same time, the presence of foot-and-mouth disease in Indonesia has not magically disappeared. Reporting has swung from headlines implying FMD is already in Australia (it is not) to suggestions the outbreak is under control and the threat has […]
Williams grower Mark Fowler knows first-hand the challenges of cropping on ironstone gravel country. Click to check the original article.
A record A$3.51billion turnover through AuctionsPlus recorded for 2021-22 financial year. Click to check the original article.
There were just over 1300 head offered at Emerald on Thursday. Click to check the original article.
The Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer (OCVO) has seconded four staff to work overseas – one at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Samoa and three at the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) headquarters in France. The secondments build on the Australian Government’s efforts to support animal health with our near neighbours […]
Fred Osman and Kyla Dolen walking through a guard of honour after marrying at the Mount Isa Rodeo. Photo Isa Rodeo TO WATCH Fred Osman hold onto a bucking bronc for eight seconds, gracefully jump off and then start working the crowd, it is clear he is a natural entertainer. But this year the […]
Mount Isa students have witnessed what a first responders career could look like, following a Careers Day at Spinifex State College. Click to check the original article.