Blog Post

Low Carbon Beef announces new sustainability certification

Cattle producers can now seek LCB Enrolled verification from Low Carbon Beef LLC to signal their cattle were raised with reduced greenhouse gas emissions. A cattle certification company that enables cattle producers to monitor, measure and verify reduced GHC emissions, LCB’s certification programs are designed to enable cattle producers an opportunity to earn market premiums for cattle that demonstrate reduced GHG emissions.  […]

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Make yourself aware of opportunities

One summer afternoon I was sitting at a cattle auction. I was focused on the sale until my buddy started complaining about a sparrow chirping. Up to that point I had not noticed the noise the bird was making, but after my buddy pointed it out, I had a difficult time blocking it out and […]

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Match herd needs to anticipated forage supplies

Dry weather and short pastures have reduced forage supplies, prompting livestock producers to ponder “could have, would have, should have” scenarios, says University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist Eric Meusch. Producers should try to match their herd needs to anticipated forage supplies, Meusch says. This requires planning before a drought. Many factors will be out of […]

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Farm Progress America, August 5, 2022

Max Armstrong deals with the word “satiety” which is the feeling or state of being “sated” or having you appetite satisfied. The word came up from Jeffrey Simmons, president and CEO, Elanco, who spoke about farmers in the Netherlands are rioting and Gen Z folks going hungry and how those are related. Max digs into […]

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Senate takes action on environmental regulations

Thursday the U.S. Senate voted to reverse the Council on Environmental Quality rulemaking related to the National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Regulations Revisions. U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, introduced S.J. Res. 55, a joint resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act(CRA), with all 49 of his Senate Republican colleagues to nullify the Biden administration’s NEPA regulations. The […]

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