Yugilabar delivers the superb taste of Ekka
Award winning Yugilbar Santa Gertrudis Stud can rightly lay claim to having some of the nation’s best tasting beef. Click to check the original article.
Award winning Yugilbar Santa Gertrudis Stud can rightly lay claim to having some of the nation’s best tasting beef. Click to check the original article.
“I will make this very clear, Mr Ayers denies any wrongdoing at all.” Click to check the original article.
Speakers included Meat & Livestock Australia’s managing director Jason Strong, Rabobank senior animal proteins analyst Angus Gidley-Baird and JBS Australia’s Jason Carswell, while Australian Country Choice’s David Foote gave an entertaining talk at the dinner. Click to check the original article.
Campers lived through their very own ‘only in the NT’ moment when a crocodile visited their campsite. Click to check the original article.
A large draft of cattle from Tonkoro Pastoral Co saw pens of cows make 328.2c/$1829, medium cows 314.2c/$1534, and light cows 313.2c/$1287. Glenvale Pastoral Co sold heavy cows for 319.2c to return $1833. Norm Pakleppa sold bulls for 279.2c or $2680 and 249.2c or $2840. Click to check the original article.
Feral pigs less likely to spread FMD than domestic cattle Click to check the original article.
The numbers tell the true story of WA’s livestock market – and it’s not bad reading. Click to check the original article.
Editor of the North West Star Mount Isa since January 2016. Prior to that, an editor at several regional southern Queensland newspapers. Passionate about telling local stories. Comes with a strange accent to due an Irish accident of birth. Editor of the North West Star Mount Isa since January 2016. Prior to that, an editor […]
There are some things you never forget. For Husker Harvest Days farm manager Jason Luebbe, who has been farming the show site fields with his father, Roger, for many years, it was the day when the new 7000 series Magnum Case-IH tractor was unveiled at HHD for the first time. Luebbe was 12 or 13 […]
A total head of 2174 was yarded at the Mareeba saleyards on July 29. Click to check the original article.
“The way I look at it is if I was to build a mobile phone for 40,000 people, it would be a substandard mobile phone. But if I build a mobile phone for 40 million people, or 400 million people, it’s going to be a very good mobile phone,” Mr Neale said. Click to check […]
Cal Poly’s College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences was awarded $39.5 million in one-time state funding to build long-term stability for food, forestry and agricultural systems in the face of intensified weather events and changing climate patterns. The funding will assist in providing the infrastructure needed to build programs to teach future generations sustainable […]