Curry Merry Muster Festival expects large crowds this weekend
Crowds will roar at this weekend’s Curry Merry Muster Festival with free entry and an action packed program. Click to check the original article.
Crowds will roar at this weekend’s Curry Merry Muster Festival with free entry and an action packed program. Click to check the original article.
Seven of eight state farm organisations last week gave their in-principal support for the draft Cattle Australia constitution, Cattle Council of Australia has reported. However NSW Farmers did not give its support and says it is still condering the proposed constitution. “Our governance structure require these decisions to be made by the board, which has […]
The fund supported landholders, farmers and First Nations peoples to generate new, regular income streams through carbon farming projects while providing co-benefits such as healthier waterways, increased habitat for threatened species, and more resilient landscapes, she said. Click to check the original article.
Former award makes a popular return for WA dairy industry. Click to check the original article.
Quality was mixed at Emerald on Thursday. Click to check the original article.
Mount Isa features in 'Queensland to a T' exhibition in Brisbane Click to check the original article.
Busselton Machinery head technician Kim Heitman (left), service manager Greg Watson, owners Brian and Wendy Chatfield and sales manager Brad Langford with New Holland T6.165 auto command, T 6050, TD5.100 and T5.95 dual command models that have all been sold. Click to check the original article.
Goondiwindi is the home of Hazelwood Conman and it was only fitting the ASHS board made a special presentation and parade in honour of this sire’s contribution to the society, currently with more than 1250 registered progeny. His influence as a sire featured prominently in the results when his progeny were placed in the top […]
Having enjoyed a long career in pasture and livestock research, I have heard on countless occasions producers call for scientists to get out of their “ivory towers” to understand the real-world challenges they face on their properties. It’s a fair complaint and one that my colleagues in the research sector have tried hard to improve […]
A passenger who arrived at Darwin airport with a range of undeclared risk products including McDonald’s pork and beef McMuffins from Indonesia which were sniffed out by Darwin’s new detector dog has been issued with a $2664 infringement notice. Darwin’s new biosecurity detector dog Zinta has uncovered undeclared meat on a passenger arriving from Indonesia. […]
Toyota Australia has paused order-taking for the LandCruiser 70 Series. Click to check the original article.
At JCU Senior Unix, Year 10s had the opportunity to explore the courses available, as well as accommodation options. Students joined lectures based on their preferred career such as Medicine, Engineering, Arts and Media and Education. Each course also had information stalls that demonstrated practical skills such as virtual reality and how to administer veterinary […]