Students gain a breeding insight
“If we can get PhD students to understand more about how an actual breeding program works, it will help them…” Click to check the original article.
“If we can get PhD students to understand more about how an actual breeding program works, it will help them…” Click to check the original article.
“You never waste a good crisis. And for us, we’re trying to expose the funding system that hasn’t been put in place. The fact that multiple governments – not just the current one, or the past one, or the one before that – have not put in place a sustainable model,” Mr Jochinke said. Click […]
Unfortunately Dr Mather doesn’t know what cave system the fossils were found in. Click to check the original article.
The Queensland government says more than 3300 solar panels have been installed at state schools across Mount Isa and the North West. Click to check the original article.
Eagles Rest at Redland Bay will be auctioned by Ray White Rural in Brisbane on August 26. Click to check the original article.
The rural health forum, at Charles Sturt University’s Rural and Regional Health Research Institute in Orange, (left to right), Professor Megan Smith, executive dean and the Faculty of Science and Health; Professor Mark Evans, deputy vice chancellor of Research at CSU; Professor Allen Ross, executive director at the Rural and Regional Health Research Institute, and […]
The showpiece Bororen property Koorawatha has hit the market, to be auctioned by Hourn & Bishop Qld on September 1. Click to check the original article.
Deputy Chairman of Rex Airlines John Sharp this week announced the company has invested in a partnership to trial retrofitting aircraft with an electric motor. Click to check the original article.
One of the North West’s great events is about to attract thousands to a dot on the map this weekend. Click to check the original article.
Glencore says a new report shows its Queensland operations are contributing $6.6 billion to the state economy. Click to check the original article.
“A lot of publicity so far about FMD has not been related to actual risk…” Click to check the original article.
There was plenty of action at this year’s Gatton show. Click to check the original article.