Weaner steers hold their value while heifers slide
Steer prices were described as firm in value while prices for heifers slipped at the 3400 head Biggenden All Breeds Weaner Sale. Click to check the original article.
Steer prices were described as firm in value while prices for heifers slipped at the 3400 head Biggenden All Breeds Weaner Sale. Click to check the original article.
Biloela district property Springvale is estimated to run 350 cow and calf units or 400 to 450 mixed cattle. Click to check the original article.
In the men’s annual clash, the team made up of players from Roma Cities, St George, Mitchell Magpies, Wallumbilla/Surat Red Bulls, Blackall Magpies, Longreach/Ilfracombe Tigers, Chinchilla Bulldogs, Western Ringers and Mount Isa had a convincing 40-8 win over Northern United. Click to check the original article.
North Coast National will return to the Lismore Showground in October Click to check the original article.
Lockyer District High School, Gatton, sold Lowline cows for $2200, $1600 and $1600. Darren Martin, Ropeley, sold quality Charolais steer calves, six to seven months, for $1920. Olm Family, Ropeley, sold Charolais cross steers for $2000 and $1980. Michael Machin, Moggill, sold a line of Charbray steers for $1980. Click to check the original article.
“It’s to bring the country to the city.” Click to check the original article.
“With the sell-out success of the 2022 Outback Queensland Masters, it has been a record experience both in terms of distance and the number of competitors, juniors, and spectators. We’re estimating over 2,000 in total attendance with a record economic impact, due to length-of-stay and distance we’ve covered this year,” Mr Bates said. Click to […]
The North West Hospital and Health Service is encouraging the community to take precautions as flu, and COVID-19 increase across Queensland and tourists arrive in large numbers. Click to check the original article.
Kochii Australian Eucalyptus Oils team, Tim Munro (left), Jason Uyen, Ray the dog, Richard Leitch and chief operating officer Steve Meerwald with the pyrolyser plant set up on a Kulja farm to produce organic biochar and wood vinegar products from the biomass waste left over from eucalyptus oil production. Click to check the original article.
“CVS will provide full small and large animal vet care and services. Small animal services include consults, x-rays, emergency surgeries, routine desexing, and dentals. Equine services include routine call outs, dentals, cutting colts, and mobile x-rays. Our main cattle service is pregnancy testing, which is something that involves covering large distances and being out of […]
Now in its seventh year, the 2022 Cobber Challenge Relay will run from August 22 to September 11. Click to check the original article.
“That represented a better return on that water compared to planting field of mung beans, for example. And that’s how these large yields came about. The reason it’s paid off so well in this particular season gone by is … the weather’s not always bad in central Queensland, and this year, they just had perfect […]