Soggy season for St George cotton growers
Around 85 per cent of Queensland’s cotton crops have been harvested, with most pushed back by several weeks due to wet weather. Click to check the original article.
Around 85 per cent of Queensland’s cotton crops have been harvested, with most pushed back by several weeks due to wet weather. Click to check the original article.
Viral fragments of foot and mouth disease have been detected at Australia’s border, as the nation’s biosecurity is ramped up. The fragments of the virus, which threaten to devastate Australia’s cattle industry, were found in a small number of food products imported from overseas, Agriculture Minister Murray Watt has confirmed. While there was no live […]
Editorial. Click to check the original article.
Members of NSW Farmers have voted to support the development of a national electronic tagging system. Click to check the original article.
Quality hinterland grazing country is also offered with the potential for eco-tourism or adventure pursuits. Click to check the original article.
Dairy farmer Ian Morris speaks out after his Supreme Court victory over the Victorian Farmers Federation yesterday. Click to check the original article.
Cold fronts and low pressure troughs brought rainfall to parts of southern Australia. High pressure dominated over the mainland, keeping most of the continent dry, except for light to moderate falls on the eastern coast. On the 17th, a low pressure trough and a cold front brought thunderstorms, showers and hail to south-eastern Australia and […]
“I suppose this comes down to the basic problem, which is politicians running healthcare… “I just don’t think it’s been thought through at all.” Click to check the original article.
Speakers will include Chris Parker, head of the National Animal Disease Taskforce, Federal Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Stephanie Bullen, national animal health and fertility lead, Dairy Australia and Justin Toohey, advisor on animal health, welfare and biosecurity, Australian Dairy Farmers. Click to check the original article.
Kindee Pastoral sold their annual run of weaners at the Roma store sale this week, fetching a top of $1950 per head. Click to check the original article.
The Environmental Grants were presented to Rainbow Gateway Pty Ltd for $5000 for enviro-wheel – a community garden that is focused on sustainability, food production and community engagement; Mount Isa Campdraft Association Inc was presented $4894 for greener creations, beautifying the grounds, installing irrigation, controlling erosion around the banks at the grounds and reducing dust […]
Molasses from Bundaberg and a gear pump from Sarina are key Queensland ingredients in a new Western Australian rum-making venture. Click to check the original article.