Weaner steers average $90 higher
Numbers were subdued and most categories eased in price on AuctionsPlus last week. Click to check the original article.
Numbers were subdued and most categories eased in price on AuctionsPlus last week. Click to check the original article.
Alibis, the next play by the Mount Isa Theatrical Society starts August 19. Click to check the original article.
The Australian Meat Industry Council (AMIC) is calling on stakeholders to stop politicising biosecurity in Australia. “The continual politicisation of biosecurity in the media is unhelpful,” said AMIC CEO Patrick Hutchinson. “The meat industry, and the Australian government, have been working together on the prevention of incursion of emergency animal diseases in Australia, not just […]
Currently, electronic identification is required across the beef supply chain but is yet to be broadly implemented in other sectors such as the sheep and goat industries. The council says the Federal and state governments must commit to implementing the traceability reforms agreed by industry and governments through SAFEMEAT. Cattle Council of Australia President Lloyd […]
River Grove cotton yields 4.5 bales/hectare. Click to check the original article.
Jackaroo on Merino sheep studs in the Riverina, a lifetime working on the land with sheep, cropping and cattle. Graduate Charles Sturt Uni with degree in Business and a Dean’s Certificate. Graduate C.B. Alexander Agricultural College Jackaroo on Merino sheep studs in the Riverina, a lifetime working on the land with sheep, cropping and cattle. […]
“Australia as a nation lags behind on backing farmers, with a government paper on food security this week revealing we have one of the lowest levels of agricultural support across the 37 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries – and when compared to major emerging economies,” Mr Jackson said. Click to check […]
Who said good coffee was only on offer within the inner suburbs of a trendy capital city? Click to check the original article.
Hosted by the Australian Livestock and Property Agents Association, the webinar will feature National Farmers Federation president Fiona Simson, Animal Health Australia’s general manager of emergency preparedness, animal health and biosecurity Dr Samantha Allen, Red Meat Advisory Council’s John McKillop and the Department of Agriculture’s national LSD-FMD preparedness co-ordinator Dr Chris Parker. Click to check […]
Rabobank has tapped veteran beef industry research analyst and economist Lance Zimmerman to join its RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness (F&A) team in North America. Zimmerman has served the animal protein industry for 18 years, gaining recognition regionally and globally for his forward-looking thought leadership. Rabobank’s RaboResearch F&A group is a global team of more than […]
A new study involving the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University is paving the way forward in controlling a devastating and costly cattle disease: bovine anaplasmosis. The research, “Targeted mutagenesis in Anaplasma marginale to define virulence and vaccine development against bovine anaplasmosis,” was published in May by scientists from K-States’s diagnostic medicine and […]
Agricultural Research Service scientists are helping to enhance the abilities of regulatory agencies to trace Escherichia coli O157:H7 bacteria back to their source during foodborne outbreaks by more specifically identifying E. coli strains through a better understanding of relatedness between human and environmental isolates of the bacteria. This information is part of the latest issue […]