North West MPX an inaugural success and looks forward to 2023
The inaugural North West MPX has been deemed a success and is already planning to grow the event in 2023. Click to check the original article.
The inaugural North West MPX has been deemed a success and is already planning to grow the event in 2023. Click to check the original article.
Eight players from Darling Downs represented Queensland Country. Click to check the original article.
Slaughter steers sold to 340c, average 323c, steers 500-600kg reached 476c, average 421c, steers 400-500kg sold to 502c, average 445c, steers 330-400kg reached 538c, average 457c, steers 280-330kg made 600c, average 483c, steers 200-280kg sold to 630c, average 549c, and steers under 200kg sold to 616c, average 527c. Click to check the original article.
Exports from Ukraine/Russia impacted by the ongoing conflict. Click to check the original article.
Mr Beveridge said the council had and continued to advocate strongly for the local region. Click to check the original article.
Candidates vie for North West Central seat, with a by-election date yet to be set. Click to check the original article.
Mountain Hut will be auctioned by Ray White Rural in Rockhampton on August 18. Click to check the original article.
Lower prices were expected at Wodonga, agents said. Click to check the original article.
AS worldwide consumers’ awareness and appreciation of ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ attributes in food products grows, beef brand managers are responding in new and creative ways. For the first time, the key word in a new Australian beef brand’s attributes platform will be ‘regenerative’ instead of alternatives like sustainable, grassfed, or carbon-neutral. Roots Regenerative has been […]
Police have launched an investigation after a man was shot in the shoulder at a Condobolin property. Click to check the original article.
“The name changed because DAWE’s agriculture, fisheries and forestry functions were separated from the water, environment and climate portfolios, which are now part of the new Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water,” a DAFF spokesperson said. Click to check the original article.
MOTORCYCLES cause a far higher rate of injuries among children than quad bikes do, a study from UNSW Sydney and NeuRA has found, but quad bikes account for more serious individual injuries. In a retrospective population study carried out by UNSW and its medical research affiliates NeuRA and The George Institute, the study authors examined all records of […]