Summer chickpeas could soon be a reality for Queensland
Summer chickpea crops could soon be a reality for Queensland farmers. Click to check the original article.
Summer chickpea crops could soon be a reality for Queensland farmers. Click to check the original article.
It was jointly funded and supported by the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA), Sugar Research Australia, Canegrowers, the Australian Sugar Milling Council, AgForce, Australian Cane Farmers Association and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Click to check the original article.
A proof of concept to help mining operators get better value out of the Mount Isa rail line is now set to expand to 12 months. Click to check the original article.
Clearance rates were subdued for almost all segments of the market. Click to check the original article.
The human cost of biosecurity inaction is a major concern for the CWA. Click to check the original article.
Bruce Mullan (back row, left), Pork Industry Training WA, with the 2022 graduates Agata Kazmierczak, Cindy Mullan, Emmanuel Veneracoin, Francis (Chico) Padilla, Josh Evison and Central Regional TAFE lecturer Judi Forsyth. Front row: Kate Savage (left), Apiam Animal Health, JoAnn Marie Santos, Jeffrey Gumilao, Anthony Valdez and Federico Millare. Absent: Kirt Hornsby, Jeffrey Gatuslao. Click […]
Letters Click to check the original article.
The 1690 hectare Biloela district property Ferndale has sold at auction for an impressive $10.8 million. Click to check the original article.
A CLOUD band brought unseasonable rain across northern Australia early in the week, starting in the central Northern Territory during on 29 June, before tracking from the base of the Top End, through much of through much of inland northern Queensland, and along the east coast regions in the latter part of the week. Rainfall […]
THE Varroa mite incursion (search on the internet for more info) in bees is a prime example of what an FMD notification will do to our livestock industry. The government has activated its plan and beekeepers are already having hives destroyed in the Newcastle area. In turn the Newcastle population are being asked to […]
The blue chip inner Darling Downs Wynola aggregation has sold prior to auction. Click to check the original article.
The results of a 2018 survey on the live sheep sector by Thomas Elder Markets showed a significant amount of the participants’ revenue each year had been derived from the live export sector. Click to check the original article.