Tom Nixon selected as Devon Court
Tom Nixon selected as Devon Court Click to check the original article.
Tom Nixon selected as Devon Court Click to check the original article.
Local children are engaging in youth development activities at Mount Isa PCYC as part of its School Holiday Program. Click to check the original article.
An excellent yarding of weaners was met with very solid buyer competition. Click to check the original article.
When the first flushes of excitement faded, shares in Wide Open Agriculture headed south. Click to check the original article.
Competitors and travellers flocked to the annual Yelvertoft Campdraft, hosted by Marcus and Shelley Curr and family, 100km north west of Mt Isa for their three-day event held from June 24-26. Click to check the original article.
Cows with calves were $250 cheaper. Click to check the original article.
The 2022 North West MPX organisers are offering a field trip to Glencore’s Mount Isa Mines as part of next week’s expo. Click to check the original article.
Over 20 ranger groups made up of 70 participants dialed in. Click to check the original article.
North Queensland property Camel Creek will be auctioned by Nutrien Harcourts in Townsville on August 18. Click to check the original article.
Shift from visual observations in the 1970s to sophisticated tracking devices transforms how sheep behaviour is assessed. Click to check the original article.
The market was generally easier at Eidsvold. Click to check the original article.
Colin Wood, Kenilworth, sold Droughtmaster steers for $1790. Aaron and Kelly Dymock, Gheerulla, sold a Droughtmaster bull for $2300. Ann Franz, Eerwah Vale, sold Droughtmaster steers for $1465. Arthur Brown, Elaman Creek, sold Angus vealer calves, with steers making $1255 and heifers $1050. Click to check the original article.