Karumba gears up for Outback by the Sea Festival
Karumba’s Outback by the Sea festival has released its program with six days of entertainment that will please everyone from nine to ninety. Click to check the original article.
Karumba’s Outback by the Sea festival has released its program with six days of entertainment that will please everyone from nine to ninety. Click to check the original article.
Some yearling steers to feed experienced fair demand, however most were 20c to 30c/kg cheaper. Yearling heifers to feed for the domestic market averaged from 30c to 50c less, and heavy weights averaged 8c/kg cheaper. Good heavy weight cows lost a further 7c to 8c, and medium weights were 6c to 16c/kg cheaper. Click to […]
In general, pest issues drop off the radar a bit over the cold winter period and ramp up as temperatures increase from August onwards. Click to check the original article.
The project includes rebuilding and widening of a 750m section of Sir Hudson Fysh Drive, construction of a new carpark outside the Cloncurry lawn cemetery, extension of the cycle path network from Sheaffe Street to the Carl Katter bridge and drainage improvements throughout. Click to check the original article.
Subsequently, police from the Mount Isa District Tactical Crime Squad commenced a protracted investigation involving a forensic accountant and other specialist resources, which identified $260,000 of allegedly unexplained wealth over an approximate two-year period while the woman was allegedly unemployed. Click to check the original article.
About 1270 head were yarded for Thursday’s feature sale. Click to check the original article.
Despite growing inflationary pressures and freight frustrations SunRice posts a $48.7m profit for 2021-22 Click to check the original article.
Oberon’s out-of-the-box interpretation of the Blue Tree Project has sparked a positive conversation among the locals. Click to check the original article.
The children’s book centres around biosecurity education. Click to check the original article.
FutureBeef releases video giving vaccination advice to cattle producers. Click to check the original article.
Symbrosia, a Hawaii-based startup with a seaweed feed additive that reduces livestock methane emissions by over 80%, has closed out its Series A funding round with $7 million. After two years of research on seaweed breeding and cultivation technology, Symbrosia has developed strains that are significantly more productive, potent and resilient than wild populations. The […]
The Uebergang family’s 563 hectare freehold property Rayford Park will be auctioned on July 22. Click to check the original article.