Rain hinders numbers but market remains strong at Biggenden weaner sale
Biggenden weaner sale saw a smaller yarding of 1600 head yesterday, but the demand for quality cattle held steadfast. Click to check the original article.
Biggenden weaner sale saw a smaller yarding of 1600 head yesterday, but the demand for quality cattle held steadfast. Click to check the original article.
A special meeting of Mount Isa City Council on Thursday considered feedback to the 2022-23 budget. Click to check the original article.
Latest listings on Jobs Central: Senior Farm Hands (2), WA – via Drover Ag Assistant Farm Manager, Vic – via Drover Ag Assistant Manager, NSW – via Drover Ag Chief Financial Officer, Carpendale Agri – via Rimfire Resources Business Project Manager – via Rimfire Resources Assistant Manager, Narwietooma NT – Hewitt Cattle Australia Senior Labour […]
Shearing and woolhandling school to increase shearing shed employees. Click to check the original article.
Editor of the North West Star Mount Isa since January 2016. Prior to that, an editor at several regional southern Queensland newspapers. Passionate about telling local stories. Comes with a strange accent to due an Irish accident of birth. Editor of the North West Star Mount Isa since January 2016. Prior to that, an editor […]
Top notch Senepol and Senegus bulls have been selected for the Namoona Trig (NT) Senepols Invitational Sale. Click to check the original article.
Agriculture minister Dugald Saunders discussed the future of farming with NSW farmers and their current concerns Click to check the original article.
Hughenden Artisan Collective celebrates local artisans within the local region. Click to check the original article.
“Crop and pasture competition has slowed the growth and development of African lovegrass and our research has expanded to investigate pasture species, including phalaris, white and sub clovers and perennial dual-purpose grain crops, mountain rye and Kernza. Click to check the original article.
In addition, a new tanker truck loading area designed to accommodate up to AB triples, will be constructed, along with a new wharf deck and marine unloading arms, a 3.2km above and underground pipeline connecting the terminal to the new wharf deck, and all new safety and ancillary systems. Click to check the original article.
The inaugural Disability Confidence Awards has celebrated organisations improving employment opportunities for Australians. See who makes the list. Westpac and Australia Post have been recognised for making systemic changes to improve employment opportunities for people living with disabilities. They were among some of Australia’s biggest employers – including the Attorney-General’s Department and the Australian Taxation […]
Max Armstrong discusses how weather is impacting food supply including potatoes where the supply in storage has fallen. Wet conditions are impacting harvest of spring and summer potatoes. Max looks at California supply and weather impact, though there’s good news for chipping potatoes. However the run up for input prices and rising competing commodity prices […]