Dr Sally McGoffin enjoys the Mount Isa medical life
Coming from the Queenland Outback, Dr Sally Magoffin has an affinity for working at Mount Isa Hospital. Click to check the original article.
Coming from the Queenland Outback, Dr Sally Magoffin has an affinity for working at Mount Isa Hospital. Click to check the original article.
WITH legislation for Australia’s burgeoning carbon industry constantly developing and a flood of information being pitched to producers, doing the sums on starting a new project can be hard to navigate. The industry has seen some major reforms in recent times, including legislation to include Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) in Farm Management Deposits (FMDs). […]
Letters Click to check the original article.
The challenge is a new addition to this year’s NBPE commercial cattle competition. Click to check the original article.
Queensland sheep numbers held firm to total 4561 head last week, while cattle numbers rose by 2975 head to total 9071 offered online. Click to check the original article.
A SUCCESSION of cold fronts during the week resulted in widespread rainfall across south-eastern Australia, with weekly totals of 25–50 mm in many areas. Weekly totals of 50–100 mm were recorded in alpine areas, northern and western Tasmania and […]
Cameron Livolsi and Michael Knight from Allied Grain Systems. COLD and windy conditions didn’t stop crowds from packing Kingsthorpe Park, west of Toowoomba, for the opening day of Elders FarmFest, one of Australia’s largest agricultural field days. With over 2000 companies taking part, patrons from across the country turned out to see some of the […]
The family of young Mount Isa sporting talent Jazlyn Daley is looking for financial help in what will be busy year of travel ahead representing her region and possibly her state. Click to check the original article.
Writing for farmers in the Stock & Land, The Land, Queensland Country Life, Stock Journal and FarmWeekly, farming in Gippsland. Writing for farmers in the Stock & Land, The Land, Queensland Country Life, Stock Journal and FarmWeekly, farming in Gippsland. Click to check the original article.
This year the Perth Royal Food Award categories consist of beer, chocolate, dairy, bread and pastry, distillery, wine, small goods and branded meats, with the wine and beer categories receiving the most entries each year due to the larger size of both industries. Click to check the original article.
Santa steers set new saleyard record at Emerald weaner sale | Photos Click to check the original article.
Cotton under establishment on Blackbull, on the NT’s Daly River The first major land acquisition for dryland cotton production in the Northern Territory has been made following the sale of the top end grazing property Blackbull Station. Fund manager Australian Agricultural Growth Partners is believed to have paid around $30 million for the 14,342ha holding […]