Low Dose Herbicide Trial
A farm trial in the Herbert tested effective application of herbicides through varying application methods in the inter-row. Click to check the original.
A farm trial in the Herbert tested effective application of herbicides through varying application methods in the inter-row. Click to check the original.
de Bruin Engineering product support manager Andrew Vearing (right), with Johnny Inferrera, McIntosh Distribution, inspecting a Harrington Seed Destructor on a John Deere header. Mr Vearing said it was critical for growers to take time in setting up their harvesters to suit their region, the environment, their particular crop types, and the condition of their […]
The boys and girls from City v Country will have an extra special reason to shine this week. Click to check the original article.
The WDC is a new piece of tillage equipment designed for zonal tillage to produce a surface tilth for planting a number of crops … Click to check the original.
Matthew Dennis runs Nebo farm in East Maitland and said he is down a minimum of 70 per cent in production this year due to the weather. Click to check the original article.
Centred around the theme ‘Beach to Bush’, festival curator and creative director, Greg Dolgopolov, says this year’s festival is the perfect opportunity to skip the winter blues and traverse through endless horizons, experience timeless stories and the spirit of Australia. Click to check the original article.
Before a crowd largely composed of land managers, Mr Massy OAM, a well-known figure in Australia’s sheep and wool circles as formerly a chairman and director of several research organisations and statutory wool boards, repeated his message that modern industrial agricultural practices had pushed the globe into a dangerous corner. Click to check the original […]
Thank you to Tim Neale from Precision Agriculture for compiling and presenting the information in this video. Speaker: Tim Neale … Click to check the original.
“That decision was based on money,” he said. “The gross margins are there and after 10 years growing, it stacks up. It’s a somewhat consistent market, riding a hell of a high at the moment. Australia only produces three per cent of the world’s cotton, so local supply doesn’t dictate the market compared to how […]
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and […]
As part of its effort to combat food price inflation, the Mexican government has suspended import duties on pork, beef and poultry through the end of 2022. Mexico has previously opened duty-free quotas for pork and poultry, but this is the first time a blanket suspension has been ordered. Zero-duty access will be granted to […]
The latest on weather. Click to check the original article.