Blog Post

Southern Towns in SWLD Experience Minimal Rainfall | Farm Weekly

Perri is an agriculture journalist with Farm Weekly. Born in regional Victoria, Perri developed a love of regional and rural news at a young age, and is now passionate about advocating for the agricultural industry. Her interests include science, agronomy, livestock and food production. Perri is an agriculture journalist with Farm Weekly. Born in regional […]

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2023 calf care survey sheds light on health protocols

In the fall of 2023, Axiota distributed the Multimin® 90 calf care survey to cow-calf producers and stocker operators. Knowing the importance of herd health vaccination protocols in helping prevent both diseases and improving cattle health, Axiota wanted to hear what cow-calf producers and stocker operators thought on the subject. Tina Greiman, vice president marketing, […]

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Opportunities for cattle producers in 2024

Given the climbing calf prices and shrinking herd sizes, what opportunities will 2024 present for cattle producers? Mark Robins, director of research and technical services for Ridley Block Operations fills us in and talks about why a solid nutrition program is so important. Click to check the original article.

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Industry shift: Top Australian feedlots embrace YoungStar mats

AN innovative flooring solution for high-traffic areas is helping Australia’s leading lotfeeders drive efficiency improvements and protect their margins. Youngstar matting, designed and developed by NumatAGRI in tandem with feedlots and beef producers, has gained significant traction among industry leaders, with over 80 percent of Australian feedlots identified in Beef Central’s Top 25 Lot Feeders […]

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