Blog Post

CNH invests in ecofriendly bale storage innovator Nature’s Net Wrap

CNH, through its investment arm CNH Ventures, is supporting the scientific development of the first viable compostable net wrap for bales in agriculture. “Our investment in the Canadian start-up Nature’s Net Wrap aims to accelerate their mission to eliminate waste from the process of collecting and storing crops,” CNH says. Shifting to compostable net wraps […]

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First-of-its-kind technology analyzes cow muzzles to predict illness

A collaborative study between animal agtech startup MyAnIML and the USDA successfully corroborated the technology’s predictive ability to proactively manage devastating disease outbreaks in cattle production. MyAnIML used proprietary facial recognition and deep learning technology to accurately predict Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IBK), or bovine pinkeye, 99.4% of the time and several days before veterinarians were […]

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Nutritional considerations going into calving

By Lawton Stewart, University of Georgia Extension Many beef cattle producers are about to start their calving season. Forage availability in many regions is variable. Some places saw severe drought in late summer/early fall, causing producers to feed more hay and deplete their winter hay supply. Other producers were able to put up plenty of […]

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Cattle vocalization research may improve animal welfare insights

You may not know it, but cows share information every time they burp, moo, and chew that speaks volumes about their health and welfare. Through the work of researchers in Virginia Tech’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, more may soon be known about what cows are “telling” us through those vocalizations. James Chen, an […]

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Company releases AI-powered, predictive cattle feeding recommendations

Precision Livestock Technologies (PLT), a leading provider of software and hardware solutions related to livestock feeding and health, has introduced the first system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to predict cattle feed intake and make feeding recommendations. The system generates daily quantitative feeding predictions based on hundreds of data points gathered from PLT’s machine vision […]

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Preserving right to farm is a sacred responsibility

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack dropped into the American Farm Bureau Federation annual convention in Salt Lake City on Monday to talk farm policy. During remarks at the convention’s general session, he said he considered conserving the land and conserving the right to farm a “sacred responsibility.” He noted that since 1981, the nation lost more […]

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