A dry argument in the Central Wheatbelt for water use
Power outages and burst pipes has resulted in water use restrictions in the Central Wheatbelt. Click to check the original article.
Power outages and burst pipes has resulted in water use restrictions in the Central Wheatbelt. Click to check the original article.
There was also a good attendance from both buyers and local graziers at the sale, filling buyers lanes and adding good competition. Click to check the original article.
More Angus bulls were sold at auction in Australia in 2023 than any other breed. Which breed was second? Brahman Hereford Santa Gertrudis Charolais Find the country that was Australia’s largest beef export customer by volume in 2023. <p>Click on or tap on the… Click to check the original article.
800m bore to offer Gascoyne Junction some reprieve in dry conditions. Click to check the original article.
“Rest assured we know your outages have been extended and frustrating and we are working hard to restore you as soon as we can,” says Western Power. Click to check the original article.
Cook government has let down regions says rural MP Click to check the original article.
From birds, to radars, humans have always looked for the perfect way to predict the weather and it seems the animal kingdom might be the best bet following recent less-than-accurate forecasts. Click to check the original article.
Generators are an essential part of living in this Wheatbelt community with storms knocking down power lines. Click to check the original article.
These CQ families grow a delicacy for Chinese diners in Sydney. Click to check the original article.
Yarding 3694 Change +2543 Buyer attendance was good with the return of all the regular operators and most were active in a generally dearer market. Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock lifted in price by a further 23c/kg on top of the improvements experienced the previous sale. Medium weight yearling steers to feed […]
Buyer attendance was good with the return of all the regular operators. Click to check the original article.
A Mount Isa woman left in sheer disbelief after winning $200,000 Click to check the original article.