Blog Post

Roma sale 16 Jan 2024: Yarding lifts to 6317 head

Yarding 6317 Change +3604 Numbers increased at Roma to 6317 head. Cattle were drawn from NSW, also along with consignments from a large number of the usual supply area. All the regular processor feedlotters and backgrounders in attendance with one additional export buyer in the cow market which increased prices. Light weight yearling steer under […]

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Strong end to 2023 for livex cattle shipments, Red Sea trade under watch

Monthly cattle shipments to Indonesia reached a 3.5 year high in December as exporters cleared northern floodplains to deliver 58,250 feeder-weight cattle to Indonesian feedlots to feed for the month-long Ramadan religious festivities which commence in early March. The majority of those numbers  – 54,973 – were exported from Darwin with 3267 head shipped from […]

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