Blog Post

Oklahoma State investigating impact of high growth, carcass traits

Technological advances and breeding for higher growth and carcass traits have allowed producers to raise their cattle to higher weights at faster rates. Every event of life stems from a mother, says Janeen Salak-Johnson, associate professor in the Oklahoma State University Department of Animal and Food Sciences. “Everything that mom experiences her progeny experience, too,” […]

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Mexico extends duty exemptions for imported pork, beef, poultry

The Government of Mexico recently issued a decree extending zero-duty treatment of certain food imports – including pork, beef and poultry – from all eligible suppliers through the end of 2024. Erin Borror, U.S. Meat Export Federation vice president of economic analysis, explains that Mexico first suspended these import duties as part of an effort […]

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Are you on offense or defense in 2024?

The majority of the cow-calf sector has been on the defense for the past two to three years due to adverse weather and production cost conditions. Widespread drought has forced significant herd liquidation and resulted in additional feed and other production costs.  It appears that the beef cow herd has decreased by roughly 11 percent since […]

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Farm Progress America, January 9, 2024

Mike Pearson takes a look at three tech companies seeking approval to take drivers out of semi-trucks completely. The self-driving technology is not new. There are three companies working on the technology: Aurora Innovations, Kodiak Robotics and Gatik AI and have been testing trucks. The tests have been in the southern part of the USA […]

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Reducing methane: challenges and strategies | The Land

Along with NSW DPI’s senior research scientist, Aaron Simmons, the pair discussed emission reduction strategies, their risks and benefits, and what emissions accounting tools dairy farmers could use to achieve a low-carbon future at Sydney University, Camden, in November. Click to check the original article.

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