Wool industry icon remembered for his wisdom, positivity and commitment
Don Belgre left an indelible mark on the fabric of the wool industry. Click to check the original article.
Don Belgre left an indelible mark on the fabric of the wool industry. Click to check the original article.
Lamb prices were up to $60 a head dearer at Wagga on Thursday. Click to check the original article.
A Warren man, 38, will face court in January next year following an ongoing investigation into the theft of quadbikes, fuel and other items from a rural property in late 2022. Click to check the original article.
Severe tropical cyclone Jasper forecast to gradually move towards the Queensland coast next week. Click to check the original article.
Preparations are being made across North Queensland as the cyclone threat draws nearer Click to check the original article.
The Bradford family, Hillcroft Farms UltraWhite stud, Popanyinning, saw two of its ewe lines reach a sale high of $218, both selling to a Mt Lawley account. The first line was made up of 186, 12-13mo ewes that had an average bodyweight of 66.2 kilograms and the second line comprised 187 one-year-old ewes weighing an […]
The NSW Government has announced it will have a water sharing plan in place for the Namoi Valley by next June. Click to check the original article.
Best seat in the house for cropping | The Weekly Times Now Playing 46 minutes ago Weekly Times Now Click to check the original article.
‘Religiously motivated terrorist attack’ led to U.S. arrest. Click to check the original article.
North west rail loading yards set for big investment. Click to check the original article.
The buyer of the top price $96,000 mare at last week’s 49th annual Dalby Stock Horse Sale has shared his plans for the horse. Click to check the original article.
Speaking on the issue in parliament last week, WA’s Energy Minister Bill Johnston said forward modelling suggested WA’s electricity demands could increase five-fold by 2050, meaning renewable energy generation, storage and transmission would need to be built at an “unprecedented scale” to support WA’s main electricity network, the South West Interconnected System. Click to check […]