Light feeder steers and restockers in demand at Silverdale
Agents reported the market was significantly dearer for most descriptions. Click to check the original article.
Agents reported the market was significantly dearer for most descriptions. Click to check the original article.
Tropical Cyclone Jasper has been upgraded to a category 3 system. Click to check the original article.
Sticky florestina is known to have been present in central and western Queensland since at least the 1980s, with the main regions of infestation being around Blackall, Tambo, Barcaldine and Longreach, with some records of the plant from Charleville and Mitchell. Click to check the original article.
It detailed that from May 15, local board members would be remunerated $5000 a year, down from $20,000; local board chairs to $30,000/year, down from $60,000; and, the LLS board chair $58,250/year (0.25 fulltime equivalent), down from $116,500/year (0.5 FTE senior executive Band 1). Click to check the original article.
New sculpture is meant to be touched, smoothed and thought about. Click to check the original article.
While there have been some ups and downs, the Choice beef cutout has generally trended lower since it hit its peak back in June, according to David Anderson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension livestock economist. The weekly average peak in mid-June was $339.93/cwt. but the Choice cutout has averaged right at $300.00/cwt for the year, which […]
U.S. consumers refused to pay more at retail for ribeye steak, ground beef, pork chops, bacon and chicken breast in November compared to October. However, their willingness-to-pay increased for all evaluated proteins, minus pork chops, in food service meals. According to the November Meat Demand Monitor, the combined beef and pork projected market shares for […]
‘There’s no such thing as bad weather’ isn’t a questionable adage — it’s a profound statement of optimism. There’s been some pretty diabolical weather so far this winter; rain, snow and storms, but, as yet, no hail and brimstone. Although the British love nothing better than to complain about the weather, we forget that it’s the […]
Bruce Rock shearer Ethan Harder hopes to promote the industry, while inspiring other young people to consider a career in the woolshed. Click to check the original article.
Cattle on Yougawalla, part of the Kimberley Cattle portfolio sold in November THIS week’s property review – the second last for the year – delivers a state-by-state snapshot of the defining cattle property sales across Australia, as reported over the past 12 months. This is not a definitive list, as other significant properties have sold […]
Cattle sold to Coonamble, Tamworth, Orange, Dubbo and Gilgandra. Click to check the original article.
Last week 167 geographically isolated children converged on Mount Isa for the annual Sports For Bush Kids. Click to check the original article.